Thursday, March 17, 2016

Me, Mike, and the Mad Dog

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was 2002, and I was in high school, and the YES Network was just starting. Before the Yankees game that day, I tuned in to a show called Mike and the Mad Dog. The show was a simulcast of the WFAN sports radio duo of Mike Francesa and Christopher "Mad Dog" Russo. The pair had been together since 1989, and their show is legendary for being one of the first successful sports talk shows.

I watched or listened to the show on an almost daily basis. Picking up on Mike's heavy New York accent talking about "Derek Jetah and Mariano Riverar" and Mad Dog's quirky sayings like "that's a good job not a TERRIBLE job". They got me through bad losses, like the Yankees 2004 ALCS collapse, and celebrated with me during big wins. On the commute to work and school they kept me company in the car. That was until June 22, 2008.

Mike broke the news on his show that the Mad Dog would be going to Sirius Satellite Radio, and the Mike and The Mad Dog show that I've grown to love was over. Mike Francesa went solo on the show known as "Mike'd Up" and more currently "Mike's On", and a strange thing happened. The 55-year old cranky man who swore against social media became a darling on the platform that he hated the most.

Twitter parody accounts mimicked his accent, people Photoshopped  memes of Mike's famous catchphrases, and Youtube accounts shared clips of him goofing up, like falling asleep while interviewing to Sweeny Murti, thinking a caller was pranking him asking him a question about  Tigers Pitcher Al Albuquerque, and his love for "snowblowahs" turned Mike Francesa into an internet legend.

It was funny to see a large group of people who listen to the same show as you picking up on the same things that made you laugh during his show. At first, Mike got angry at people poking fun at his persona, but that only made it grow stronger. Finally, he realized that we weren't laughing at him, rather laughing with him.

Fast forward to this past Saturday (March 12), the date of Francesacon 3 at Irving Plaza in New York. Francesacon is a whole day put together by Mike Francesa fans to celebrate all thing Mike Francesa. They had people dressing up like him, people with Al Albuquerque shirts, and even impersonators of the Mike and the Mad Dog show doing a live performance. I heard Mike was actually going to attend it this year, and had to go!

I was having a great time at the event, and when the man, the myth, the legend, Mike Francesa took the stage, the whole place ERUPTED with chants of "NUMBAH ONE!" Mike though, had one more surprise up his sleeve. He introduced his former partner Chris "Mad Dog" Russo and the roof literally blew off Irving Plaza.

Over seven years since they made a public appearance together, Mike and Chris were reunited. They riffed and talked sports for a few minutes, but they were there mostly there to promote their upcoming one-time only reunion show at Radio City later this month.

The day got even better when they announced they would take pictures with everyone in attendance. A sea of people surrounded them, and they took their time to take a picture with everyone. Getting to meet my broadcasting idols has always been a dream of mine, and one I never thought I would be able to do. But thanks to Francesacon 3, I was able to accomplish it.

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